Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Welcome my Smith Family!!!

I am so excited for this blog to be able to catch up with you and your day, week, life.

It has been way to long and I think this would be a great way to keep us all up to date on what is happening in our lives.  

If you have any information you would like to share with us email it to me at
Photos too!  The more you send the more I can add to the blog.

Love ya all!!!

1 comment:

  1. Tyler Murry, Marille Byington and Dean Murry son graduated from Bismark high School this week-End march 27 2011 PLEASE POST

    LILLY DAYTON ans SONNOMA WEAVER graduate from KINDERGarten They would be surprised to see there names here.

    ROSIE GETS a clean Bill of health still cancer free
