Sunday, March 20, 2011


Smith Family Birthdays…
The following are birthday’s I know of at this time.  If you see something wrong on the calendar please send me a quick email with the correct things listed so I can get it changed on the original.   Thanks so much!!
As you read the calendar below you will see the date then the name and year that person was born.  In ( ) you will see names, these names show how that person is related to Grandma Marie and Grandpa Hank.  
For example you will see Jack Milner on January 3rd.  Then it shows the year “1965” that he was born.   And then it shows (Gordy- Annette’s husband) This means that Jack is Gordy’s Daughter Annette’s husband.    I hope that is the easiest way so everyone understands it??   I just wanted to make sure everyone knows how we are all related, lol.   In the calendar you might see some anniversaries I will post only ones that are of Grandma and Grandpa’s children.  Sorry there are just way to many to keep up for everyone.  I put each month on it’s own page so you can print it out if you would like, enjoy!!  More to come soon.   So check back often.

1-Anthony Ocotoxle,2010 (Gordy's-Annette's-Jackleen's Twin sons)
    Dionel Ocotoxle,2010 (Gordy's-Annette's-Jackleens Twin sons)

2-Angela Jacobson,1963(Aunt Jesse's daughter)
3- Jack Milner, 1965 (Gordy-Annette’s Husband)
    Clay Byington, 1996 (Dolly-Kevin’s son)
    Derek Milne, 1971 (Rosie-Lisa’s Husband)

5-Jonathan Smith,2007 (Mickey-John John’s Son)
     Rena Vizoner,1942(Close Family Friend)

6-Lainie Schlechter, 2011 (Gloria-Anne-Nikki’s Daughter)

7- Clayton Archambault,2011 (Dolly-Delores-Heather's son)
     Nettie Smith,1852

8-Susie Ramirez (?new last name), 1962 (Jr’s Daughter)
    Catherine Smith,1933(Uncle Gordy's wife)

9-Lydia McCrorie,1994 (Dolly-Serena’s Daughter)

10-Holden Milne,2006 (Rosie-Lisa’s Son)
      Grandma Marie passed 1991
      Brandon Hansen,1980 (Sobig-Conrad’s Son)

12-Angie Jacobson,(Aunt Jesse's daughter)
      Tyler Schwaab,2004(Gloria-Steve-Shaun's son)

14-Martha Kidwell,1919-2005

15-Shannon Heisler, 1973 (Bev’s Daughter)
      Amanda Eischens,1981(Uncle Punky-Mugsy's daughter)

16-Eileen Schuyler,1946 (Aunt Jesse- Bill’s Wife)
      Alanah Charles, 2005 (Dolly-Bunny-Nashea's daughter)

17-Clayton Moore,2011(Dolly-Delores-Heather's son)

19-Lucille Smith-Boswell,1918-2009(Uncle Steven's wife)
      Lovonne Brooks,1955-1956(Tiny's daughter)

22-Kevin Byington, 1970 (Dolly’s Son)

23-Will Hatfield III,2005(Aunt Martha-Mona-Will Jr's son)

25-Delores Archambault,1970 (Dolly’s Daughter)

26-Liam Buerman,2006 (Mickey-Rick-Emily’s Son)
      Henry A. Smith,1839-1925

27-Matt Stark, 1930(Good Family Friend)
28- Lavonne Smith,1936 (Jr’s Wife)

29-George Brooks,Sr.,1961 (Tiny’s Son)
       Terry Silbernagel,1956 (Dolly-Shannon’s Husband)

30-Ricky Smith, Jr 1977 (Mickey-Rick’s Son)
       DJ Smith, ? (Uncle George-Darryl's son)
      Terry Bloom,2008(Uncle Punky-Arlys's son)

31-Angela Smith,1972 (Gordy’s Daughter)
     Jimmy Smith,1986 (Mickey-Lenny’s Son)
     Bunny Byington,1961 (Dolly’s Daughter)


2-Alvin Homner,1958 (Tiny-Debbie’s Husband)
    Natalie Notch,2003 (Bill-Rori’s Daughter)
    Linda Weyaus,1960(Jr's daughter)

3-Tim McMichael,?(Uncle Steven-Butch-Melanie's husband)

5-Aimee Smith,1992 (Mickey-John John’s Daughter)
    Brian Schaf,1979 (Dolly-Brandy’s Husband)
    Terry & Dick Silberud, 1952

6-Michelle Bloom,? (?)

8-Shelby Fallas,1995 (Lori-Danny’s Daughter)

9-George Brooks, Jr,1981 (Tiny-Georgie’s Son)
    Jayden Smith,2007(Mickey-Greg's son)

10-Tara Mason,?(Uncle Henry's daughter)

11-Matt Dutton,1988 (Gloria-Anne’s Son)

12-Amanda Milne,1975(Rosie-Thomas's daughter)

13-Trista Rosing,1995 (Bill-Heather’s Daughter)
      Jimmy Lee Smith,Jr 2010 (Mickey-Lenny-Jimmy’s Son)
      Jr & Lavonne Smith 1963

14-Tony Haverkamp,1966 (Bev-Christie’s Husband)
       Jayden Smith,2007(Mickey-Greg's son)

15-Aaron Acosta, 1990 (Dolly-Serena's son)

16-Donald Schuyler,1948-1996(Aunt Jesse's son)

17-Susie Leach-Pinson,1956 (Tiny’s Daughter)
     Aly Reiner,1990 (Terry-Bevie’s Daughter)
     Snuffy (Frank) Smith,1935-2007(Uncle Joe's son)
     Lori Doll,1966(Aunt Biddy's daughter)
     Michael Christofferson,1980(Aunt Biddy-Renee's son)
18-Brandon Reiner, 1987 (Terry-Bevie's Son)
      Patsy Riddle,1942(Uncle Buster's daughter)
      Leona Schinnert,1949(Close Family Friend)

19-Randy Weaver,1969 (Bill-Missy’s Husband)
     Chris Smith,1949 (Gordy’s Wife)

22-Jesse Koch,1994 (Bill-Rori’s Son)
      Jacob Byington,1994 (Dolly-Kevin’s Son)
     Jacob Claymore,1987 (Dolly-Serena’s Son)
     Zyaire Digby, 2011(Dolly-Bunny-Shenae's son)
     Jacob Kean,1987(?)

23-Bill Smith,1952
      James Archambault,1981  (Dolly-Delores’ Son)
      Raymond Roberts, Jr, 2007(Uncle Steven-Butch-Robin's son)

24-Aunt Jesse King, 1922-2008 (Grandpa Hank’s Sister)
      Melanie Smith McMicael,1982(Uncle Steven-Butch's daughter)

28-John John Smith, 1965 (Mickey’s Son)
      Laurie Ramirez Dahl,1962(Jr's daughter)
      Uncle Steven Smith,1925-1952


1-Pat Brady,1967(Tiny-Pam-Alysia's husband)

2-Amy Bohling,1977(Uncle Steven-Janice's daughter)
   Jenna Pettis,1990(Gloria-Scott-Nathan's Domestic Partner)

3-Stacey Weaver, Jr, 2000(Bev-Rachelle’s Son)
    John Kidwell,1955(Aunt Martha's son)
    Rhonda Dalve,?(?)

4-Jon Paul Koch,1993 (Bill-Rori’s Son)
    Allison Doll,1997(Aunt Biddy-Lori's daughter)

7-Christopher Li,1989(Mickey-Marilee's son)
8-Cailey Rosing,2000 (Bill-Heather’s Daughter)
    Rachel Smith-Farjardo,1987  (Mickey-Paul’s Daughter)
    Jahaida Mercada,1985(?)
    Cathy Smith,1964(?)

9-Darryl Smith,1962(Uncle George's son)
    Bill Hatfield Jr.,1971(Aunt Martha-Mona's son)

10-Melissa Homner,1992  (Rosie-Terry’s Daughter)
      Heather Archambault,1982 (Dolly-Delores’s Daughter)
      Sandra Smith,1954(Uncle Steven-Butch's wife)

11-Barbara Kidwell,?(Aunt Martha-John's wife)

12-Paul Smith, Jr,1991 (Mickey-Paul’s Son)                                                            

13-Grandma Marie Smith,1914-1991
      Grandpa Hank passed 1994
      Uncle John Smith,1918-1999 (Grandpa Hank’s Brother)

14-Andrew Smith, 1988 (Mickey-Paul’s Son)
      Greg Smith, Jr, 1982 (Mickey-Greg’s Son)

16-Isaiah Murray,2006 (Dolly-Marilee’s Son)

17-Greg Smith, Sr,1962 (Mickey’s Son)
     Karla Nelson,1994(Uncle Steven-Janice-Sandy's daughter)

18-Jane Smith,1953 (Bill’s Wife)
     Crystal Hansen,1985(?)
19-Mary Bohling Gochal,?(Uncle Steven-Janice's daughter)
     Allen Bloom,Sr.,1973(Uncle Punky-Mugsy's son)

20-Louisa St. Clair,1892-1929

22-James Beal,1984 (Dolly-Bunny’s Son)
      Steven French Jr,2010 (Bev-Steph’s Son)

23-Kenny Weaver,1992 (Bill-Missy’s Son)
     Cara Bohling Wollman,1979(Uncle Steven-Janice's daughter)

24-Gordy Smith, Jr,1975 (Gordy’s Son)

25-Cassandra White, 1992 (Dolly-Jackie's daughter)

27-Seanna Fallas,1968 (Lori-Danny’s Wife)

28-Sunni Homner,1981 (Tiny-Debbie’s Daughter)
     Milton Kidwell,1918-2004(

29-Karri Dayton,1985 (Bev’s Daughter)
    Sierra Homner,1986 (Tiny-Debbie’s Daughter)
    John Smith, Jr,1948(Uncle John's son)

30-Sierra Weaver,1998 (Bev-Rachelle’s Daughter)

31-Natalia Beal,2001 (Dolly-Bunny-Natasha’s Daughter)
     Matilda Murphy Smith,1848-1929


2 - Johnathan Johnson,1984 (Aunt Biddy-Wendy's son)
     Mary Jo Smith,1950-1982(Uncle Joe's daughter)
3 - Anthony Murray,1997 (Bill-Teri's son)
       Coke Smith,1958 (Mickey-Rick's wife)
       LaDonna Cook,1950 (Aunt Biddy's daughter)
4 - Kendra Kemna,1992 (Gordy-Angela's daughter)
     Owen Bealuieu,1943 (Uncle John-Jean's husband)
     Stacey Riddle,1970 (Uncle Buster-Patsy's daughter)
     Treyton Bloom,2001(Uncle Punky-Arlys-Terry's son)

5 - Alex Heisler,1995 (Bev-Shannon's son)
     Butch Smith,1947 (Uncle Steven's son)
    Carolyn Hansen,1968 (Sobig-Donnie's wife)       
    Mickey Jo Smith,1998 (Mickey-Greg's son)

6 - Herman Li,1956 (Mickey-Marilee's husband)
      Makenna Heisler,2011(Bev-Shannon-Alex's daughter)
7 - Sam Notch,2005 (Bill-Rori's son)

8 - Punky (Alvin) Bloom,1929-2007 (Grandma Marie's brother)

 9 - Nashea Beal,1985 (Dolly-Bunny's daughter)
      Caryssa Chosa,1997 (Butch-Robin's daughter)
      Bill Schuyler, Sr,1919-1967
      Lana Stenberg,1947(Aunt Biddy's daughter)

10 - Missy Weaver,1971 (Bill's daughter)
       Teri Smith-Murray,1980 (Bill's daughter)

11 - Tiny & Don Ryan,1969 (anniversary)

12 - Shawn Schwaab,1984 (Gloria-Steve's son)
       Brett Smith,1998 (Mickey-Mike-JR's son)
       Judy Koob,1942(Aunt Jesse's daughter)

13 - Lenny Smith,1961 (Mickey's son)

14 - Matt Weaver,1991 (Bill-Missy's son)
       Taylor Silbernagel,1992 (Dolly-Shannon's daughter)
        Ashley Smith,1987(Uncle George-Darryl's daughter)

15 - Emily (Sissy) Buerman,1980 (Mickey-Rick's daughter)
       Desi Jackson, 1985 (Bill-BJ's domestic partner)
       Taylor Byington,1992(?)

19 - Jason Leach,1977 (Tiny-Susie's son)
       Edward Vardanega,1960 (Dolly-Bunny's husband)

20 - Katrina Li,1987 (Mickey-Marilee's daughter)

21 - Jessica Smith,1989 (Mickey-Paul's daughter)

23 - Donnie (Duck) Hansen,1964 (Sobig's son)

24-Landon Hansen,2001 (Sobig-Conrad-Lisa's daughter)
     Seth Abelow,1980(Sobig-Conrad-Lisa's husband)

25 - Biddy & Herman Bellecourt,1946 (anniversary)

26 - Donna Smith,1961 (Mickey-Lenny's wife)
       Sonoma Weaver,2005(Bev-Shelle’s daughter)

27- Caity Smith,1988 (Mickey-Mike-JR's wife)

29-Annette Milner,1969 (Gordy's daughter)
30- Chrissy Brooks,1983 (Tiny-George Sr.- George Jr.'s wife)


1-Tanya Bjerke,1976 (Gordy Sr-Gordy Jr's significant other)
    Stephen Smith,1996(Uncle George-Darryl's son)
2-Garry Farmer,1981 (Tiny-Pam's son)

4-Tommy Smith Goodman,1988 (Mickey-Greg's son)

5-Joshua Claymore,1988 (Dolly-Serena's son)

6-Ayecia Kemp,1998 (Bev-Shannon's daughter)

8-Serena Claymore,1960 (Dolly's daughter)

10-Olivia Brooks,2007 (Tiny-George Sr.-George Jr's daughter)

12-Lisa Smith Milne,1969 (Rosie's daughter)
     Sarah Milne,1994 (Rosie-Lisa's daughter)

14-Tyler Murray,1993 (Dolly-Marilee's son)

16-Danny Fallas,1973 (Lorraine's son)

17-Wayne Smith, 1949 (Uncle John's son)
      Brandon Brooks,1988 (Tiny-George's son)

18-Ashley Reiner,1988 (Terry-Bev's daughter)
     Rachel Fineday Smith,1884-1945 (Grandpa Hank's mother)
     Henry St. Clair,1853-1930 (Grandma Marie's mother Lousia's father)

19-Dolly Byington,1941

20-Sabrina Li,1993 (Mickey-Marilee's daughter)
     Makenzie Smtih,2006 (Mickey-Paul-Andrew's daughter)
     Cordelia Smtih,2007 (Mickey-Rick-Ricky's daughter)
     Olivia Brooks,2007(?)

21-Katelyn Hansen-1992 (Sobig-Kenny's daughter)

23-Harold "Abbot"Smith, 1938-2008 (Uncle Joe's son)

24-Danielle Brooks,1990 (Tiny-George's daughter)
     Chris Kidwell,1981 (Martha-John's son)

25-Jeremy Buerman, 1974 (Mickey-Rick-Sissy's husband)
     Amanda Johnson Anderson,1962 (Aunt Biddy-Wendy's daughter)
     Don Stenburg,1968(Aunt Biddy-Lana's son)

27-Ted Nelson,1939(Close Family Friend)

28-Scott Schwaab,1964 (Gloria's son)

30-Terry (Delores) Siblerude,1933-1977
      Megan Dutton-Gates,1986(Gloria-Ann's daughter)


1-Shannon Silernagel,1964 (Dolly's daughter)

2-Tristan Smith, 2005 (Mickey- Mike's son)

5-Edwin Eix,1996 (Butch-Fawn's son)

6-Terry Smith,1966 (Rosie's daughter)
   Betty Hasvold,19952 (Aunt Jesse's daughter)
   Walter Smith,1939 (Uncle Joe's son)

7-Jennifer Claymore,1988 (Dolly-Serena-Josh's wife)
    Tyler Smith,1989 (Mickey-John John's son)
    Jon Dahl,1986Jr-Choppie's son)

8-Jeanne Smith,1938 (Mickey's wife)

9-Mona Kidwell Hatfield,1948 (Martha's daughter)

10-Ashley Bloom,1997(Uncle Punky-Arlys-Terry's daughter)

11-Cody Silbernagel,1989 (Dolly-Shannon's son)

13-Antonio Ocotoxtle,1983 (Gordy-Annette-Jackleen's husband)
     Laurie Schwaab,19965(Family Friend)
     Layla Smith,2009(Mickey-Mike-Jr's daughter)

16- Susan Brooks,1961(Tiny-Goerge's wife)
       Henry Mason,1935-2001(Grandma Marie's brother)

17-Jackie Byington,1965 (Dolly's daughter)
     Jackleen Ocotoxtle,1987 (Gordy-Annette's daughter)

19-Thomas Azzolina,1972(Rosie's son)
      Uncle Gordy Mason, 1924-2001(Grandma Marie's brother)
      Grandma Marie and Grandpa Hank's church wedding 1932

20-Rosie Azzolina,1947
     Makenzie Smith, 2006 (Mickey-Paul-Andrew's daughter)
     Cordelia Smith,2007(Mickey-Rick Sr-Rick Jr's daughter)

21-Kathy Frazier,1948 (Uncle Joe's daughter)
      Tom Mason,?(Uncle Henry son)

22-Rori Koch,1973 (Bill's daughter)
     Jean Beaulieu,1944 (Uncle John's daughter)

23-Fred St. Clair,1900-1979
      Fanny St. Clair,1901-1982

25-Uncle Herman Bellecourt,1924-2002 (Aunt Biddy's husband)

29-Luke Weaver,1995 (Bill-Missy's son)
     Reba Brady,1998 (Tiny-Pam-Alysia's daughter)

30-Mickey & Jeanne Smith, 1956


1-Dean Murray,1968(Dolly-Marilee's husband)
   Kaydence Millner,2009 (Gordy-Annette-Jesse's daughter)

2-Paul Bohling,1953 (Uncle Steven-Janice's husband)
    Arlys Bloom,1953(Uncle Punky's daughter)

3-Pam Brooks,1957 (Tiny's daughter)
    Christopher Li,1989 (Mickey-Marilee's son)

4-Mickey Smith,1934 to 12-22-2005
    Lorraine Fallas, 1948

5-Terry & Dick Siblerud,1952

6-Paul Summers,1990 (Dolly-?)
   Brian Arthur,1977 (Jr-Linda's son)

7-Madelyn Rosing,2005 (Bill-Heather's daughter)
    Austin Smith,2001 (Mickey-Mike-JR's son)

8-Tim Smith,1986(Mickey-Greg's son)
    Clara Sue Kidwell,1941

9-Davey Eischens,1981(Uncle Punky-Mugsy's son)

10-Jessica Smith,1989 (Uncle Georgie-Darryl's daughter)
      Joe Gradas,1985(Gloria-Steve-Sheena's husband)

11-Leah Hansen,1996(Sobig-Conrad's daughter)
     Cody Silbernagel,1989(Dolly-Shannon's daughter)

12-Sobig & Wes Hansen, 1957
     Conrad Hansen,1990(Sobig-Conrad's son)
     John Mason,1902-1966

14-Jennifer D. Smith,1982(Mickey-Mike's daughter)

16-Brandy Schaf, 1979(Dolly-Bunny's daughter)
     Stacey Weaver,SR,1976(Bev-Shelle's significant other)
     Linda Smith,1948(Walter's wife)
     Nick Schlechter,1985

17-Bev Smith,1950

18-Ashley Brany Reniff,1992(Tiny-Pam's daughter)
     Alisha Bloom,1989(?)

19-Brooke Hansen,1984(Sobig-Kenny's daughter)
     Robin Smith,1977(Uncle Steven-Butch's daughter)

20-Julie Smith,1979(Mickey-Mike's wife)
     Tim Bloom,1981(Punkey-Arlys's son)

21-Ricky Farmer,1977(Tiny-Debbie's son)

25-Wesley Hansen,1938(Sobig's husband)

26-John Schwaab,1940 (Gloria's husband)
     Tony Vizenor,1943(Family Friend)

27-Kimberly Fallas,1969(Lorraine's daughter)
     Ryan Hatella,2011(Gordy-Andrea-Jake's son)
28-Christie Haverkamp,1968(Bev's daughter)
      Lilly Dayton,2005(Bev-Kari's daughter)

29-Grandpa Hank Smith,1913 to 3-13-1994

31-Sharon Smith,1951(Uncle Steven's daughter)
     Bill Chrisofferson,1953(Aunt Biddy-Renee's husband)


2-Sobig Hansen,1938
   Clara St. Clair,1889-1967 (Martha's mother)
   John Doll,1965(Aunt Biddy-Lori's husband)
   Mike Swan,1955(Family Friend)

3-Damien Bloom,? (Uncle Punky-Spuddy's son)

4-Jan Bohling,1948(Uncle Steven's daughter)
   Dick Siblerud,1930(Terry's husband)
   Aunt Mary Smith,1911(Uncle Joe's wife)
   Alicia Li,2008(Mickey-Marilee-?)
   DeAnn Fallas,1971(Lorraine's daughter)

5-Carolyn Hansen,1968(Sobig-Donnie's wife)
    Donald Smith,1934(Uncle Joe's son)
    Lauren Brooks,2005(Tiny-George Sr.-George Jr's daughter)

8-Herman Li,1956(Mickey-Marilee's husband)

9-Chandra Teotschinger,?  (Jr-Susie's daughter)

10-Cody Bjerke-Smith,1996(GordySr-Gordy Jr's son)

11-Fran Mason,1938-1983(Uncle Gordy's wife)

12-Alvin Bloom, Jr,1964-2009(Punky's son)
      Georgie Smith,1930-1971

14-Cody Azzolina,2003(Rosie-Tom's son)
      Brittany Hansen,1995(Sobig-Kenny's daughter)
      Teresa Bloom,1926-2000(Punky's wife)
      Dick Siblerude,1930(Terry's husband)

19-Henry Smith, Jr,1939

24-Robin Hatfield,? (Aunt Martha-Mona-William's wife)

25-Dennis Goodman,1979(Mickey-Greg's son)
     Randy Smith,1986(Mickey-John's son)
     Dan Reiner,1954(Terry-Bev's husband)

26-Corey Dayton,1985(Bev-Kari's husband)
      Stephanie Schwaab?(Gloria-Steve-Shaun's wife)

27-Justin Christianson,1979(Jr-Lori's son)

28-Mike Smith,1958(Mickey's son)
     Tracey Mason,1978 (?)

29-Mariah Jane Smith,2008(Mickey-Mike-Jenn's daughter)

30-Kenny Hansen,1961 (Sobig's son)

31-Jacob Hansen,1988(?)


2-Don Ryan,1930(Tiny's husband)

3-Shelle Heisler,1976(Bev's daughter)
   Joe Smith,1980(Mickey-Lenny's son)
   Uncle Buster(Frank)Smith,1915 to 10-20-1983

4-Jessica Byington,1992(Dolly-Kevin's daughter)
    Uncle Joe Smith,1910-1980

5-Mike G. Smith,1958(Mickey's son)
   Patty Smith,1959(Uncle Joe-Mike J's wife)
   Mike J. Smith,1941(Uncle Joe's son)

7-Tom Wyffels,1942(Bev's domestic partner)
    Steve French,1981(Bev-Steph's domestic partner)

8-Bill & Jane Smith,1970

11-Andy Haverkamp,1987(Bev-Christie's son)
     Veronica Brooks,2008(Tiny-George Sr-George Jr's daughter)

12-Sheena Schwaab,1986(Gloria-Steve's daughter)
     Kayla Iskieka,1991(Gloria-Ann-Matt's domestic partner)

14-Rick Smith, Sr,1957(Mickey's son)
     Randi Peterson,1970(Aunt Biddy-LaDonna's daughter)
     Gail Smith,19963(Uncle Georgie's daughter)

15-Danny Leach, Jr,1975(Tiny-Susie's son)
     Alden (Maxx) Homner,1982(Tiny-Debbie's son)
     McKayla Hansen,2003(Sobig-?)

16-Blayne Smith,2010(Mickey-Mike's son)

17-Heather Johnson,1986 (Aunt Biddy-Wendy's daughter)

18-Teddy Nelson,1968 (?)
     Jimmy Fajardo,1981(Mickey-Paul-Rachel's domestic partner)

20-Fawn Roth,1978(Uncle Steven-Butch's daughter)

22-Ann Dutton,1962(Gloria's daughter)

24-Steph Heisler,1982(Bev's daughter)
      Mark Bellcourt,1964(Aunt Biddy's son)

25-BJ(Steven,Jr)Smith,1982(Bill's daughter)
     Brianna Kemna,1993(Gordy-Angie's daughter)
     Jim Brooks,1952(Tiny-Pam's husband)
     Chandler Smith,2005(Mickey-Greg's son)

26-Liam Buerman,2006(Mickey-Rick-Emily's son)
      Judd Smith,1881-1914

29-Lorraine & Andy Fallas,1967


2-Renee Christofferson,1953(Biddy's daughter)
   Louie Azzolina,1919-1997(Rosie's husband)

3-Verena Buerman,2007(Mickey-Rick Sr-Emily's daughter)
    Geoff Gates,1978(Gloria-Megan's husband)

4-Alecia Li Morgan,1983(Mickey-Merilee's daughter)
    Vicki Kidwell,1988(Aunt Martha-John's daughter)

5-Mattie Broker,1899(?)

6-Austin Fallas,1997(Lorraine-Danny's son)

7-Gordy Smith, Sr. 1942

8-Lisa Hanson,1981 (Sobig-Conrad's daughter)
   Lisa Abelow,1981(Tiny-George Sr.'s daughter)

9-Jesse Millner,1989(Gordy-Annette's son)

10-Kimberly Brooks,1983(Tiny-George Sr's daughter)

11-Shanae Beal,1982(Dolly-Bunny's daughter)

13-Debbie Schwaab,1964(Gloria-Steve's wife)
     Carol Hansen,1963(Sobig-Ricky's wife)

14-Brian Milne,1988(?)

16-Tyler Smith,1992 (Mickey-John's son)

17-Nathan Schwaab,1989(Gloria-Scott's son)

18-Christopher Notch,2007 (Bill-Rori's son)

19-Jennifer Arthur,1978(Jr.-Linda-Brian's wife)

21-Gordy Leach,1978(Tiny-Susie's son)
     Cheyenne Archambault,2004(Dolly-Delores-?)
      Jasmine Smith,2008(Mickey-Paul-Andrew's daughter)

22-Deanna Azzolina,1994(Rosie-?)

23-Jimmy Hatella, Jr,1990(Gordy-Andrea's son)

25-Dylana Schwaab,1996(Gloria-Scott's daughter)
     Billy Schuyler,1945 (?)

29-Steve Schwaab,1961 (Gloria's son)
     Jolene Millner,1990(Gordy-Annette's daughter)

30-Brandi Kidwell,1990(Aunt Martha-John's daughter)
     Martha & Milton Kidwell,1939

31-Jon Notch,1972(Bill-Rori's domestic partner)


1-Erin Kemp,2008(Bev-Shannon's daughter)

4-Jaslyn Krogstad ? (Bev-Shannon-Alex's domestic partner)

5-Ashlee Rosing,1996(Bill-Heather's daughter)
   Isaiah Smith,2001(Mickey-Mike-Jennifer's son)
   Alysia Farmer Brady,1974(Tiny-Pam's daughter)
   Shauna Roberts,2004(Uncle Steven-Butch-Robin's daughter)

6-Jitterbug Hanks,? (Close family friend)

7-Brad Bloom,1987(?)

8-Andrea Smith,1973(Gordy's daughter)

9-Heather Rosing,1976(Bill's daughter)
   Jr. Smith,1978(Mickey-Mike's son)

12-Tiny Ryan,1936
     Terry Stark,1965(Close family friend-wife of Matt)

13-Marilee Li,1956(Mickey's daughter)

14-Mugsy Bloom,1955(Punkey's daughter)
     Jake Hatella,1991(Gordy-Andrea's son)

15-Tiny & Don Ryan,1969
      Crystal Smith Zschckke,? (?)

16-Gordy & Chris Smith,1968

20-Merilee Murray,1970(Dolly's daughter)

21-Jaxon Claymore,2010(Dolly-Serena-Josh's son)
     Lea Haverkamp,1994(Bev-Christie's daughter)

25-Edith Smith,1958(Family Friend)

26-Brian Dutton,1961(Gloria-Ann's husband)

27-Craig Bellecourt,1957(Aunt Biddy's son)
     LuAnn Smith, ?(?)

28-Biddy Bellecourt,1926 to 10-7-2001

29-Jolene Millner,1990(Gordy-Annette's daughter)
     Steve Hatfield,1972(Aunt Martha-Mona's son)
     Chad Ramirez,? (Jr-Susie's son)
     Ben Hatfield,2008 (Aunt Martha-Mona-Will Jr's son)

30-Debbie Homner,1958(Tiny's daughter)


2-Amanda Hatella,1998(Gordy-Andrea's daughter)

4-Brett Smith,1998(Mickey-Mike-Jr's son)

5-Breanna Brooks,1997(?)

6-Trevor Roberts,2010(Uncle Steven-Butch-Robin's son)

8-Angie Bloom,1973 (Uncle Punky-Arlys's daughter)

9-Sue Hansen,1964(Sobig-Conrad's wife)

10-Shelina Hansen,1982(Sobig-Ricky's daughter)

12-Terry L. Smith,1958(Uncle George's daughter)
     Wendy Johnson,1962(Aunt Biddy's daughter)
     Rick Hansen,1959(Sobig's son)

14-Nikki Dutton,1982(Gloria-Ann's daughter)

15-Jared Claymore,2009(Dolly-Serena-Josh's son)

17-Mike Brooks,1960(Tiny's son)

19-Conrad Hansen,1957(Sobig's son)
     Eli Gardas,2008(Gloria-Steve-Sheena's son)

20-Gloria Schwaab,1944

21-Terry L. Smith,1958(Uncle George's daughter)

22-Paul Smith,1969(Mickey's son)

24-Andy Fallas,1939(Lorraine's husband)

26-Art Seiglock,1931(Dolly's domestic partner)

27-Bev Reiner,1952 (Terry's daughter)

29-Babe Smith,1934(Uncle Joe-?)

31-Hank & Marie Smith, 1931
     Bunny (Byington)Vardanega,1962(Dolly's daughter)

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