Monday, March 21, 2011


Smith Family Recipes…
This recipe was donated by Jane Smith.  She said it was the first she has seen that reminded her of the one Grandma Marie used to make.  Enjoy!

Hamburger Rice Hotdish
3 ½ cups boiling rice                      2 cups chopped celery
1 cup raw rice                                 1 can cream of celery or chicken soup
2 Tablespoons brown sugar                3 Tablespoons soy sauce
1 teaspoon salt                               1 pound hamburger
1 small onion

Pour boiling water into a 2 quart casserole dish.   Add rice, brown sugar and salt.  In a frying pan brown hamburger, onion and celery.  Add to the rice mixture.   Stir in the soup and soy sauce.  Bake uncovered at 350* for about 1 hour.  (or until the liquid is all absorbed)

Recipe of Love by Bevie Reiner


4 parts Faith
4 cups of Love
1 barrel Laughter
3 cups Forgiveness
1 cup Friendship
2 cups Loyalty
2 spoons Tenderness
5 spoons Hope


Mix the Love and the Loyalty with Faith.
Add Tenderness and Forgiveness.
Sprinkle with Friendship and Hope.
Season abundantly with Laughter.
Bake with rays of the Son.
Serve with Generosity.

I learned that bacon grease in pancakes is the bomb from gramma,
but mine still dont taste like hers.

Willow Branch
Only recipe I can remember is the one for a red willow branch. Funny always thought it form one of the girls so I always found a nice that would not break. Boy did I get the surprise when it was for me ! Darn girls always made the scapegoat. even when I got the car to take us to P.R. LOL love u sisters U were the best a brother could have...

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