Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Reunion has....

Reunion News
The Reunion has come and gone and been cleaned up after now for a few weeks.   We had so much fun visiting, relaxing, eating and just plain catching up with family members we don't see as often as we should.   There were not as many family members as we thought was going to be able to make it but we
had just as good a time as if there was 500 here.   We played cards and had a grand time! 

There are many photos showing up on facebook the last few weeks from the reunion.  I will try to get them all posted here so we can all enjoy them too.   If you want to be able to print any out all you have to do is click on the photo, to make it big then right click the photo and hit save to computer.  It will then save in a file to your computer.   From there you can make a disc or send it off to someplace to be printed.   I will add these photos in a 2011 Reunion Photo spot on the blog here.

I have updated all the birthdays now so far that I know of so if there are any more corrections or new babies being born please emial them to me at as soon as you can please.  

Lost items
It was great there was only one item that got left at my house that I know of or have found so that is great!  And the item that is here I know who's it was so it got returned.  YAHOO!!

For some reason on Facebook our Smith Reunion spot got deleted and we are not sure why or where it went to.  So anything that was on there like photos and that sort was lost.  Christie Kay started a new spot for us on facebook it is to be able to post to it all you have to do is hit like and you will be there.  I did invite all members that I had back but you have to do the like in order to be a member on it still.   So sorry about this mix up but we are not sure what happened.   So if you had photos on the other spot please repost them to the new spot so we can all see them again.  Thanks soooooo much!!!

Student News
Matt Weaver(Bill-Missy's son) will be on his way back from his internship in about a week from Colorado.  He has fall semester to attend at Detroit Lakes Tech and then has applied to Achorage, Alaska for Spring semester.   He has switched his major from Civil Engineering to Petroleum Engineering so Alaska is the place to be for a year.   If all goes as planned and he attends next summer doing school he will graduate with a 4 year degree in 3 years!! YAHOO!!  Then off to make some big bucks!!  Good luck Matt!

Other news
Hmmmm.....not sure if there are any other news feeds I need you all to know about as of right now so I am off! It was sure great to see everyone at the reunion!  Keep your Smith news heading my way and I will keep on writing about you all and pass it on to the family!  It is a great way to keep in touch and know what we are all doing.  

4 wheeling photos...Debbie if you can will you please post the photos from the 4 wheeler ride on Sunday.  Thanks so much!!  It was tons of fun!!!

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