Wednesday, May 25, 2011

June meeting time set for...

The June meeting time is set for June 5th at Missy's home.
We will meet at noon.  We will cook some fry bread to do
a test run thru on it and eat it till we cannot eat any more, lol.
So come hungry!!!   LOL!!

Agenda: (we will go over)

  • donation discussion(if you have any please bring them this day to send home with Jane to be packaged up)  Also if you have any empty pint jars you would like to donate for putting together fry bread in a jar's for prizes please bring them along this day.   We will package them up at the meeting.
  • Golf information will be available this day
  • food discussion
  • tables and chairs
  • blog discussion
  • grocery lists discussion
  • signs discussion
  • bars discussion
  • If you have any news to add to the blog please send as soon as possible to Missy at
  • Time line discussion for the weekend
  • ?anything else we might need to discuss
If you can make it that would be GREAT!!  The more the merrier!!   Thanks everyone!!  Can't wait to see you all soon.