Monday, April 18, 2011

Random photos...

Natalia Beal, Alanah Charles, and Zyaire Digby (Dolly's greatgrandchildren)

Mr and Mrs Ed Vardanega (Bunny Byington)

 Zyaire (Shenae's baby)Bunny Grandson

Shenae's kids, Natalia and Zyaire Bunny's grandbabies.

James Beal Bunny's son.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

April News...

Reunion Committee Meeting updates...
We met in Detroit Lakes for out meeting.   We had many in attendance.   It was wonderful to have another point of view in things.   Thanks to all that took the time out of their Sunday to come!!!!   We discussed things for the weekend in more detail.   So far things look like this.  First here area  few photos from the reunion meeting at God Father's on Sunday...

Desmond Buermann.

Teri is that your "cheeeees", for the photo or what?? And Leah Haverkamp is thinking she should ignore you I think!!

Missy Weaver, Heather Rosing and Christie Kay Haverkamp.

Rick Smith, Anthony Murray and Bill Smith

Much Better Teri Smith Murray

Coke Smith and Emily Buerrmann along with son Desmond.
Also in attendance was Jane Smith and Shannon Heisler with her two daughters.

FRIDAY---Food Preparation for Friday and Saturday will start about 8 am.   We will also set up all tables and chairs and the volleyball net and many other items that morning.   If you can make it the more the faster it will all go.    Golf Tournament at a local gold course with a tee off of 1 pm.   There will be T-Shirt and golf ball prizes for special shots after the tournie!!   Supper at Missy's at 6pm(Hot Dogs, Chips and Baked Beans)   Bon Fire by the river at Missy's at dark until ???  Story telling and visiting.

Saturday---More Food preparation and picking up for the day.   Then setting up all the food out in the garage for dinner.   Lunch of Fry Bread Tacos will be served about noon.   This day is all at Missy's home.
Lots of out side fun playing horse shoes, water fun, hammer slaugen, bad mitten and much more!!   Story telling will also be this day at the bon fire at dark.   Anytime during the day we will do family photos at Missy's rather than on Sunday so we can get everyone.  Some can't make to the Sunday stuff so this way we get everyone.  We hope to have a water slide set up too!!   (((Rick Smith says he is hosting a chain saw carving and long rolling contest on the river this day.   The only requirment to do this with him is a
6 pack of Pale Ale, lol!!!)))
Sunday---A church service will be held at Breck Memorial Episcopal Church in Ponsford.   This is the white church across from the old school.   We had breakfast here at one of our reunions a few years back.  Service will be starting at 10 am with Coke Smith officiating.   About 10:45 we will all head over to the cemetery to have a prayer service and drum Honor song done by Ricky Smith.   About 11:15-11:30 we will head back to the church for a rolls and coffee time.  Then send off's and goodbyes.  Then about 2 pm all are invited to go 4 wheeling the meeting place is at Mike Smith's place to go for a 4 Wheeler ride until sunset.   I will post the address here as soon as I find it out.   And you can talk to Mike/Rick/Stevie at the reunion for details.   

School News...
Alecia Li Morgan (Mickey - Marilee's oldest), her husband Dan Morgan just graduated from med school at UND-Grand Forks and has been accepted for his residency at a hospital in San Jose, CA. Woohoo!!!  Great job!!!  (news from Emily Buermann Rick & Coke's Daughter, thanks Em!!)

Aimee Smith(Mickey-John John's daughter), a first-year student at Concordia,  will be the 2011 Woodlands and High Plains Powwow Head Dancers. This will be the first time in many years that a Concordia student has been selected for this role.    I will also send you a link to post for the video.. and her interview.. she was great!   Sent in from Christie Kay Heisler, thanks so much!!!  Great job Aimee!!  Check the interview out at on this link...

Jessica Byington (Dolly-Kevin's daughter) will be graduating high school this May.  Congrats out to you Jessica!!!!

Jon Koch ( Bill-Rori's son) will be graduating this May.  Congrats out to you Jon!!!
Thanks so much...
Thanks so much to family members that sent us some additions & corrections for
the Family Calender. We really appreciate you taking the time to get in touch
with us.   Thanks also to those family members that sent info to be included in
this next newsletter.    Email anything that you want included or any corrections
to or at 218-732-1248 either way would be GREAT!!
There are corrections to all months in the birthdays sections so please check them
out.   Thanks!!!

Health News...
Jane Smith is trying to wait patiently for her 2nd knee surgery. She is hoping
to get her knee replacement done & be on the mend by the time she sees everyone
at the July reunion.
Gordy & Chris Smith's granddaughter, Brianna, she is Angie's daughter, she had  appendix surgery on March 23rd......please keep her in your prayers !!!!!!

Aunt Jeanne spent a night in the hospital in the last part of March for a racing heart and she is out now.   If you have time giver her a call she would love hearing from you!!

Emily Buerman (Mickey-Rick's daughter) had surgery today April 5th.   Please keep her in your prayers and give her a call sometime.  Get well soon Emily!
Donation News...
Jane is still looking for donations for the reunion raffle.... if you have
something to donate to help out please let us know, even if you can't get it to
us till a later date. Thank-you Bevie Marie for your pledge of money & items for
the raffle boxes!!!!  We are receiving donations and so far have about 15 boxes
with many different items to be raffled off.   There are many nice items!!  This will
be a great way to donate not only items but to purchase tickets and all the proceeds
will go the reunion fund.  

In State Traveling News...
Jane & Bill's daughters Teri & son Anthony Murray, and Heather & daughters
Trista, Ashlee, Cailey. & Madie Rosing and Jon Paul Koch made a trip to
Champlin, MN to visit the Rori Koch/Jon Notch family the 2nd weekend of March.
They visited, shopped, played games, had 2 plays, enjoyed the greenhouse, & had
lots of fun & laughs. Grandma Jane got to get in on some of the fun via skype.
She said it was too quiet around Callaway with everyone gone !!!!!!

Baby News...
Heather & Terry Moore had a baby boy, Clayton Matthew Moore, on 1-7-11.   Heather is the daughter of
Delores Byington Archambault & granddaughter of Dolly Byington.  Congrats!!!

Taylor Silbernagel (Dolly-Shannon's daughter) is expecting a baby this June!!  Congrats go out to you!!!!

Alex Heisler and Jaslyn Krogstad had a baby girl today April 6th, 2011 at about 1 pm.  Alex is the grandson of Bev Heisler and the son of Shannon Heisler.
Makenna Ann lynn Heisler 7 lbs even 20 inches...and HEISLER feet!   Congrats!!

Wedding News...
Katie Wilson Hansen & Brandon Hansen got married on 2-26-11.   Grandma Sobig Hansen and Uncle Kenny Hansen flew to Texas to attend the beautiful outdoor wedding.   Congrats!!!

Sweet 16...
Trista Rosing turned 16 this year here is a photo of her sweet 16 party!!  Trista is the daughter of Heather Rosing.  And the grand daughter of Bill and Jane Smith.

Out of State Traveling...
Thank you so very much for keeping us  in the Smith family reunion plans  your grandparents were wonderful people   please give our e mail to anyone who would like to have it and our phone # in Fort Myers, Florida is 239-313-5661  see you all in July Matt Stark.

Rori and Jon Notch and their family got to go to Florida this last month for about a week.  Here is a photo of them...

Work Realated News...
Jane & Bill's son BJ is working out in Williston,ND sheet rocking. It's a long
drive back 7 forth every week.....long hours & hard work.
Family Pet News...
My dear sweet grandson, Matt Weaver, lost his precious best friend/puppy in a
tragic accident the 2nd weekend in March - RIP Drake - you will be dearly
missed.   (Jane & Bill Smith-Missy Weaver's son)   About 3 weeks later Matt
bought a new puppy his name is "Duke" you will all be able to meet him this summer
at the reunion.


New puppy "Duke"...

Misc. News...
Rori Koch is experimenting in her greenhouse to get some new plants growing. The
whole family is sure enjoying being able to spend time in there & watching the
plants grow !!!!

Blogs to follow...
Missy Weaver - A child filled day!
Rori Koch  - Life on the Mississippi
Rori Koch  - Rori Koch Photography

What to bring to Missy's
Swimming gear, towels, tubes and chairs.   The reunion committee will provide water, lemonade and a nonsweeten drink.  But if you want anything else it is a bring your own then.

Old News Finds...
Thanks Emily (Mickey-Rick's Daughter)
I found this article in a book called "The Ponsford Connection" - compiled and published in 1990 for the Ponsford Centennial.  This article is in the section labeled 'People and Their Memories of the Ponsford Area'.  It appears to me like the publisher asked local folks to write in their family information and a small article about what they remember about Ponsford in their lifetimes.
Hank Smith - b. 29 Jul 1914, Pine Point Twp, Becker Co MN
Son of Judd and Rachel Smith; has spent all life in Ponsford;
Woodsman and Farmer (Bx 15 Ponsford, MN 56575)
Marie C. (Mason) Smith - b. 15 Mar 1914, White Earth, MN
Daughter of John and Louise Mason; 73 yrs in Ponsford; Housewife

Children -
Leonard M. - Ponsford, MN
Steven W. - Ponsford, MN
Louise Ryan - Mount Morris, NY
Henry - Fridley, MN
Marie Hansen - Maplewood, MN
Gordon - Coon Rapids, MN
Gloria Schwaab - Maplewood, MN
Margaret Byington - Selfridge, ND
Beverly Heisler - Ogema, MN
Lorraine Fallas - Walnut Creek, CA
Rosalie Azzolina - Rochester, NY

Memories -
"There were days back as far as I can remember - many things have changed.  Now we have nothing - just a hardware store and a post office.  Schools have changed too.  Everybody is different.  Local people used to go to church, now lots of them don't go - no free time, too busy.
At one time, I remember, we had grocery stores, a meat market, 6 or 7 beer parlors, 3 creameries, feed stores, a hardware store and 2 lumber yards, a saw mill and a plain mill in Ponsford village.  There was also a taxidermist, Andrew Oxtra.  Stores were run by local people of Ponsford.  There was a hotel too, and 3 blacksmith shops.
This little town was a great place at one time.  I have known most of the people that lived here.  Lots of farmers that I remember - I think I knew pretty nearly all the farmers that have lived within thirty miles, and I used to work for a lot of them.
One of the things I remember is the 4th of July they celebrated in three places - right in Carsonville, in town by N.B. Nunn's place, and one up by the Mission Pine Point School.  Another was by Old Man Larson's place about 2 miles out of Pine Point north."